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Glow Health Blog

Risks of back cracking when not performed by a licenced chiropractor (2/2)

In the previous post we discussed the differences between cracking your own back compared a real chiropractic adjustment. In this post we will cover the risks of back cracking when not performed by a licensed chiropractor. Keep on reading to find out more!


Risks of back cracking when not performed by a licenced chiropractor


  1. You could damage your spine

It’s important to understand that there are risks associate with popping your own joints, especially if you’re doing it regularly. There are many delicate structures in the spine, especially the neck. These structures can be easily damaged if you don’t have proper training in anatomy and manual adjustments.


  1. You can wear down your cartilage

Cartilage is strong, smooth connective tissue located at the ends of your bones, including the vertebrae of the spine. It’s a shock absorber that allows your bones to slide past each other without friction and distributes weight evenly across the joints. Unfortunately, cartilage doesn’t last forever. It’s key to take care of your cartilage and minimize activities that accelerate degeneration. Aggressive or excessive back cracking can lead to degradation of the cartilage within the facet joints


  1. It promotes hypermobility

Hypermobility is when you can easily move certain joints beyond the normal end range of motion. Although being flexible is generally a positive thing, stretching your joints too far might lead to instability, pain and injury. If you have hypermobility, you can’t stabilize as well. As a result, you are depending on your muscles and tendons to do more work to stabilize, which could lead to repetitive injuries.


4 Tips to help you Stop Cracking Your Back


  1. Stay active

The more sedentary you are, the more back pain you’re likely to have. This will give you a great urge to stretch and pop your joints. When you’re sitting at a desk for the whole day, it’s important to take small breaks every 45 mins to get up and move. The ​British Journal of Sports Medicine​ (Does leisure time physical activity protect against low back pain? Systematic review and meta-analysis of 36 prospective cohort studies | British Journal of Sports Medicine (bmj.com)) found that regular physical activity decreased the risk of chronic lower back pain by 11 to 17 percent.


  1. Support Your Spine

In a small July 2013 study in ​Chiropractic & Manual Therapies​ (The effect of a lumbar support pillow on lumbar posture and comfort during a prolonged seated task (nih.gov)), a supportive lumbar pillow led to significant improvements in posture and low back pain. Placing a lumbar roll in the small of your back improves your ergonomics. If you have good posture you will be less likely to feel stiff.


  1. Start stretching

Replace the cracking habit with activities that are just as effective in relieving muscle tension, but more productive and constructive to your skeletal health, such as controlled stretching. Although the best stretches depend on your specific physical anatomy, here’s one that works for almost everyone: Stand up and reach to the sky


  1. See a Professional

If you’re experiencing lingering back or neck tension, get professional help. Find a chiropractor, physiotherapist, osteopath or give your GP a visit.


In conclusion, don’t crack your own back. If in doubt, always consult with a professional. Don´t hesitate to get a back pain treatment in London, let our London Chiropractor take care of you.


Are you searching for a “Chiropractor Near Me”? Your nearest Chiropractor in Central London

If you are in pain, don’t risk cracking your own back. This could make it worse! Come and get a professional consultation from the best chiropractor in London.

For more information call us 07376 243726 or book online. You can locate our Chiropractic clinic in Covent Garden.


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